All we need is Love

"And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him." -1 John 4:16

Saturday, September 4, 2010

We Need a Savior

The world (to narrow it down, America) is very interesting to me. Let's just say I as a person can somewhat understand how it works, but my spirit is very perplexed. We are all so stubborn and we can't stand authority. We want to do everything on our own, we don't want any help, and we sure don't want anyone to tell us what to do. But here's what I don't understand.... we all fail. Nobody is perfect, therefore nobody can truly make it in this world without help. If we could make it on our own, there would be no point in Jesus dying on the cross, there wouldn't even be a point in having God in the first place! But bottom of the line is, we cannot make it on our own, no matter how hard we try. Without God, we make stupid mistakes that affect us for the rest of our lives (and I don't just mean those little mistakes that everyone makes). Because yes, even with God, we will mistakes, because our stubbornness and rebellion kicks in every once in a while. But over time, it becomes more than just our stubbornness and rebellion, and leads to letting the devil rob us of our God-given destiny to enjoy our life.

It's interesting how the more God is pushed out of our society, the more difficult it is to prove that He's real. What I'm saying is, you notice in the Bible that God made Himself so obvious that anyone who denied Him had to have looked like a complete idiot. But the majority of the world's population believed in Him because of how often He made His presence known. Today, it seems that it's not as obvious with the "naked eye" that there really is A God. The God. Sure, if you dig deep within your heart and spirit, you will eventually realize that He's very much real, but back then, it didn't take a lot of digging! I can't imagine how God must feel, His own people, whom He created, pushing Him further and further away until they un-knowingly let the devil rule their lives, which is exactly what God was trying to prevent. But He is a gracious God and gives us freedom of choice, even if our choices are stupid. If there wasn't freedom of choice, the world would be perfect, which again, means that there wouldn't have been any point in Jesus dying for us. When will we all realize that we need a Savior? What is it gonna take? Isn't the world and all its chaos enough to tell us that we really do need a helping hand? Why not take hold of the Hands that were nailed to the cross, and the Hands that still have the scars to prove it?