All we need is Love

"And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him." -1 John 4:16

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Day 31: Epilogue: Write a Letter to Yourself.

Dear Katrina,

You've come a long way. I don't think I tell you enough that I'm proud of you. Ever since you were a teenager, you contemplated giving up on your dreams because you thought you were just going to fail anyway. You thought all the cool kids in school were going to end up better than you and you were just a loser. Well, I guess you were wrong. God has had His hand on your life the whole time, and He had so much better for you than you would have ever imagined. Why do you act so schocked all the time? I often hear you say, "Why me?" Why not you? You are a child of the Most High and He loves you with all His heart, why WOULDN'T He bless you as much as He has? Being humble is great, and pleasing to Him - don't change that. But guess what? You're not in school anymore. You don't have to deal with the "popular kids" anymore, you have better things to worry about! Your husband thinks you are the best thing since peanut butter! What could be better than that? You did what God wanted you to do, so quit worrying about what others think of you. Why do you feel so small all the time? There's nothing wrong with being confident, you know. You are so loved and appreciated, probably more than you think. And for Heaven's sake quit being so afraid to love people! If you feel the urge to hug someone, do it! If you feel the need to tell someone you love them, say it!

Sometimes, I just can't stand you. I love you, but you frustrate me. I guess I shouldn't be that way, because after all, God loves you. He sees you as a princess, an angel, His precious baby girl. I know I need to quit being so hard on you all the time, after all, everyone makes mistakes.

But I will say this: You are a big girl now. Act like one.

God put you here for a reason, don't forget that. You're still adjusting to your new life, so stop panicking because you haven't written a song in 6 months. And when you do write another song, make it a happy one! I know you're happier than you've ever been, don't be afraid to show it! You're not offending anyone! Even if you are, they'll learn to deal with it ;)
