All we need is Love

"And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him." -1 John 4:16

Monday, June 18, 2012

The Truth-Day 1: Something You Hate About Yourself

Hate is such a strong word. I don't "hate" anything; hate is of the devil. However, I do strongly dislike some things about myself - things that I constantly have to pray for God to deal with. They may be small things to others but for me, they're a big deal. Generational curses, past events, and the like. Whatever the cause, my God can handle anything.
Anyway, here are a few things:
  • My frustration level. I have next to no patience with certain things, and it won't take me very long to get frustrated. Slow computers are a good example, ESPECIALLY when I'm in a hurry. I've actually learned how to talk to the computer in a way that calms me down (LOL). It's almost as if I am talking to an animal or a small child... "Come on, you can do it, that's a good boy."
  • Jealousy. Need I say more?
  • Shyness. I am unbelievably shy. Ever since I was little I was always scared to say anything in fear of making myself look/sound stupid. Unfortunately, it has affected my ability to say something simple like "I love you" (again, in fear of not getting an "I love you" back.) I've learned that people need to know that I love them, whether they want to say it back or not. It has also affected my ability to ask if someone needs help with something, so then I end up looking like I don't want to help. I've gotten better at this as well, but I still struggle with it, and I wish it would go away. I want to stay humble, but I don't want to be too quiet; this has enabled people to walk all over me and I'm tired of that.
  • My fingers. I know that sounds strange. I am loose-jointed in my fingers, which is cool to others but annoying to me. I cannot spread out my fingers and have them be straight. They are straight every other time, just not when I spread them out. I feel like E.T.
I try not to dwell so much on the things I don't like about myself - I just humbly ask God that He would work on these things. Okay, He made my fingers the way they are for a reason... I'm talking about the important stuff. I know most people would say "Those things aren't that big of a deal", but being angry isn't good and neither is being jealous. Shyness wouldn't be that bad if it didn't get me into so much trouble. But the Bible says I am the Righteousness of God in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:21), the Temple of the Living God (2 Corinthians 6:16), and a dearly loved daughter of the Most High (2 Corinthians 6:18.) Knowing these things, why would I want to put myself down?

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