All we need is Love

"And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him." -1 John 4:16

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The Truth-Day 2: Something You Love About Yourself

I wouldn't exactly say "I love myself." I respect myself and I know I'm worth something; I'm obviously worth dying for, because Jesus died for me! But I do not like or love myself - I love the God in me (the Spirit.) I would be nothing without God. Without God I would be selfish, inconsiderate, hypocritical, and very angry. It's because of His love and His Spirit within me that I am not those things - at least 90% of the time.
Here are some things I can think of off the top of my head that I'm thankful God has given me:
  • Discernment. I'm usually pretty good at descerning whether something is good or bad. I've made mistakes, obviously, but most of the time I know a wise decision from a foolish one, and a trustworthy person from a non-trustworthy person. I have been told that I have a very sensitive Spirit, and that it's a good thing.
  • Lovingness/Kindness. I have a love for everyone, whether I've met them or not. As a follower of Jesus Christ, I need to love my neighbors as myself (Mark 12:31). The word "neighbor" to me doesn't just refer to people who live near me. It means everyone. Because God created everyone, we are all brothers and sisters. Not all people believe this, but I do, therefore I love everybody as my brother or sister.
  • My talents. I get complimented a lot on my talents. I don't like to call them mine, because they came from God, but I guess they are mine because it is my decision to use them or not. Growing up, I always thought my only talent was drawing. Singing has always been (and kind of still is) a hidden talent of mine. I'm extremely shy, so I don't exactly prefer to sing in front of certain people. I have come out of my box a lot though since I've been married to someone who loves my singing. I also write, whether it's journaling, blogging, songwriting, and sometimes even poetry (although most of my poems turn into songs. What can I say? I love music!) I suppose scrapbooking could be considered another talent, but to me it's more of a hobby. Whether they are hobbies or talents - I plan on using them for His glory.
  • My husband. Other than my God and Savior, my husband is the best thing about me. He makes me a better person and inspires me more than anyone else. I don't consider him my "other half", he is my other whole. God makes us both complete, so we are two wholes coming together in one body and spirit (Genesis 2:24). Because we are one, my positive characteristics are doubled because he has the same positive characteristics, and even more.
Here is a good closing statement: "We know how much God loves us, and we have put our trust in his love. God is love, and all who live in love live in God, and God lives in them." -1 John 4:16 NLT

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