All we need is Love

"And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him." -1 John 4:16

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Overcoming Stress

How do you overcome stress? Talk? Pray? Music? Yell? Scream in your pillow? Me.. well I usually drown my pillow with tears and talk to God. I also write music/poetry. But I found a new way for me to hand my burdens over to God - throwing stones. I know that sounds vicious, but see, I throw stones in the water. There's a lake across from my house, a very small lake (I'm talking like, a pond sized lake). It's called Church Lake. Here's what I do: I pick up a stone, name it (pain, worry, anger, etc.), and throw it into the water. The water is God. Hence the name Church Lake =D It really helps me, and sometimes I will bring my iPod with so I can listen to music.

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