All we need is Love

"And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him." -1 John 4:16

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Day 30: Someone in your family that means so much to you

Just someone? There are way too many people in my family that mean the world to me for me to pick just one. Of course the first person would be my husband, Karl. We've been through so much together, and he stuck with me the whole way. Every time he looks at me, I can see that he loves me with all of his heart. He is truly my best friend in every way and I couldn't have asked for a better spiritual leader.

Then there's my mom. We always have so much fun when we're together. She's taught me so much and has loved me despite my pain-in-the-butt self. She can answer just about any question I have. Her hugs are amazing. I remember staying up late with her and we would talk about anything and everything. To put it simply, I am so blessed to have her as my mom.

My dad. He has so much wisdom, and I've always respected him for this. He loves the Lord, my mom, and us kids with all of his heart. He makes roadtrips fun and humerous. If he thinks someone is upset, he'll ask what's wrong, and he'll listen. I remember watching baseball and golf with him, and passing the football back and forth in the summer time. And of course, I will never forget the day we got baptized together. Once again, I am so blessed to have him as my dad.

My brother and two sisters - Robert, Alex, and Julie. They are all so special to me and I wouldn't trade them for the world. We may not be as close as I'd like, but I still love them more than I can express. Of course we fought - a lot even. There were days when Robert and Alex would irritate the living daylight out of me. But at the end of day I was able to forgive them, and I hope they were able to do the same - I wasn't always as nice as I should have been to them. They are on my heart and mind on a daily basis.

My nieces and nephew. I'll never forget how happy I was when my oldest niece was born. I was only 10 years old, but I felt like I was getting another little sister, I was that excited. Ever since she and my youngest niece were born, it was important to me to have a relationship/bond with them. And I'm happy to say that I do, everyone says, "They love their Auntie Trina." Then of course there's my nephew, who is going to be three this year. Before I got married, I tried (as hard as I could anyway) to grow a bond with him. Julie says he talks about me so hopefully it worked. He's definitely a special little stinker, and he's going to be quite the heartbreaker when he grows up.

I can't forget my Grandmas. My Grandma Betty and I definitely have a special bond. I lived with her for two years when I was younger, and those were some of the best two years of my life. She set such a great example of what a true God-lover should be. She is a woman after His own heart, no doubt about it. Everyone loves and respects her, and she loves everyone right back. My Grandma Janene and I also have such a special bond. It took me a while to grow close to her due to barely seeing her. But when I was about 11 or 12, I started calling her more, and we grew quite the relationship. Despite her and my mom's ups and downs, we managed to hold on to the bond. About a month ago, I saw her for the first time in eight years. We had the best time, and it just made that bond even stronger. Yep, my Grandmas are the bomb.

Karl's parents. They're so much more than just in-laws to me. They made me feel so welcome as a new addition to the family. Leslie's always there for me to talk to, and John is very protective of me. We all just get along so well. I feel beyond blessed to have "in-laws" that love me as their own, not very many people have that blessing. They are such wonderful people and I couldn't have asked God for a better family for me to be apart of.

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