All we need is Love

"And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him." -1 John 4:16

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

The Truth-Day 10: Someone You Need to Let Go of, or Wish you Didn't Know

I'm obviously not going to name any names, being this is a public blogging site.

Quite honestly though, I can't think of anyone that I "need to let go of" and I definitely don't wish to not know someone. I have a different definition of "letting go." Letting go of people, to me, means to surrender them to the Lord; to let Him deal with them and tell me if they should be in my life or not. Because if it were up to me, everyone would be my friend. Unfortunately, I can be very easily influenced, and if someone is leading me down the wrong path or influencing me in a negative way, I shouldn't be hanging around them. Nor should I let others walk all over me and use me, which I have also been a victim of. I believe everyone who has been in my life and is currently in my life is there for a reason. The people who were in my life and aren't anymore - it's okay, because to me that means they weren't supposed to be in my current life (unless it was my fault they walked away.) It's dangerous to hold onto people with white knuckles, because if they do end up walking out of your life, you're going to experience very deep pain! Some people are meant to stay in your life forever, others only for a season. My husband is someone who will be in my life forever. Why? Because he's my husband, and we've made a covenant with God to stay together forever no matter what, the way marriage should be. As far as anyone else, I don't know, because I don't know what God's plans are. We are not garunteed one day, so I don't know when God will choose to take them or take me for that matter. There are people that I really want to stay in my life forever, but God knows what's best for me more than I do.

And there's no one in my life that I've ever wished I didn't know. So far, it has been a privilege to know everyone I have met. There may be people I like more than others, but I never think to myself Gosh, I wish I never even knew this person. It's pointless, because even if I did feel that way about someone, I can't go back and change it!

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