All we need is Love

"And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him." -1 John 4:16

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

The Truth-Day 8: Someone Who Made your Life Hell, or Treated you Like Garbage

Nobody "made my life hell." If they did, it's because I let them. I was never abused in any kind of way, my parents stayed together, I had everything I needed.. for the most part, I was always a pretty happy person. I started becoming more and more unhappy once I went into middle-school. At that time, my family of five was living in a 2 bedroom apartment. I had no purpose, nothing to live for, nothing to look forward to, and didn't know where I was going or where I wanted to end up in life. I hated school - everything about it - except for my friends. My friends were the only reason I even went to school when I did. Because I hated it so much, I skipped school on a regular basis. My attendance record was obviously very poor, which made teachers concerned, which lead to me having to speak with the school counselor AND the dean. At one point, I was threatened with Juvi, and I was seeing an after-school counselor. I didn't have good grades in school only because I didn't do my homework. Teachers and school made me feel stupid or not smart, because of my grades. I understood most everything I was being taught, I just didn't do my homework. I'm not sure why...I just didn't. Those three years of middle-school could be deemed as "hell," but it wasn't because of any one person in particular. Most of it was probably my own fault.

Likewise, nobody has treated me like garbage. I have been treated poorly before - actually even by my husband, before we got married. But I've moved on, and I don't think about the times I was treated like "garbage." Sometimes, I treat myself like garbage. At some point, we are all going to be treated unfairly, but that's why God gave us love and forgiveness. That's why He gave us the strength to stand up under those situations and be the better person. Whether I'm being treated like garbage or not, I know the One person who will never treat me like that and loves me with all of His heart. :)

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