All we need is Love

"And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him." -1 John 4:16

Sunday, October 7, 2012

The Truth-Day 7: Someone Who Has Made Your Life Worth Living For

This is an easy topic. Jesus and my husband! I had no meaning or purpose in life until Jesus found me. He taught me to love, forgive, be kind, and see myself as someone worthy and accepted. I wouldn't be where I am today if it wasn't for Him. And I never would have met my amazing husband if it wasn't for Him! Karl also brought meaning and purpose into my life. He makes me feel like I'm on top of the world; like I can do anything. The way he looks at me, the way he talks to me, the way he hugs and kisses me...I've never felt so loved and special. He waited for me for nearly four years, and now treats me like a queen. He treated me like one before we got married, from 1,200 miles away!

I am so blessed. The most blessed woman in the world. These two things are the reason I wake up in the morning - I could not live without either one of them.

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