All we need is Love

"And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him." -1 John 4:16

Friday, October 7, 2011

Day 23: Describe a Truly Spiritual Moment in Your Life

I've had a lot of these, but one that comes to mind is a Christian concert/family festival I went to last year with my mom and a couple of friends. We went a few months ago to the same one but it wasn't nearly as powerful as the one we went to last year. It was an outdoor event, which made it even more fun (to me, anyways.) I felt the spirit of the Lord the minute we walked through the main entrance. All I could see was jumpers/trampolines and bungee cords, but it was the people that were there that made His presence obvious. I felt so young again as I suddenly heard a little voice in my head-- " know you want to." Needless to say, my friend and I ran over to one of the inflatable jumpers. The one we went on was called "King of the Hill", and the goal was to get to the top of the jumper, or "hill". It was harder than it sounds.

After we were done embracing our inner youth, we all decided to head over to the stage where the bands were performing. These particular bands weren't very "well-known", but we rocked it out anyways. Some of the bands we were unfamiliar with were "Chasen", "Revive", and "The Museum". They were awesome though. What was really cool was the fact that we got to stand right up front!
Did I forget to mention that it started to rain? It rained off and on all throughout the day, but that didn't stop anyone from having a good time and praising the Lord in song.

After Chasen, Revive, and The Museum, GO Fish performed. Considering their music is mostly for kids, I didn't think I would care for them that much, but they definitely proved me wrong! I've NEVER had so much fun singing "The B-I-B-L-E" before!! They had the whole crowd - kids AND adults - jamming to "This is my Father's World", "Sweet Song of Salvation", and "I'm a Soldier in the Army of the Lord."

Then, our worship leader performed. It was pretty awesome seeing him up on a huge stage compared to our little church stage :)

Next up was one of my favorites - Britt Nicole. She was amazing! The spirit of the Lord was definitely on her the whole time she was singing, even in her "uppity" songs. She always had such a powerful message/testimony to share in between each song, which I think is important. She reminded me a lot of the kind of girl I want to be: on fire for the Lord, smiling and having fun on the stage while glorifying God.

Then Matthew West entered the stage. My friend and I SCREAMED because we both loved (and still love) his music. One of my all time favorites is "Next Thing You Know" which I was SO happy that he performed. The song we were most excited about was "The Motions" (it was popular on the Christian radio station.) The spirit of God was apparent in him also, with every song and every word. Although I think the main reason I shed a couple of tears while watching him perform was the fact that he looked a lot like Karl, and it made me wish he was there with me.

It got even better - Kutless was up next. By this time, it was getting dark, so the stage lights came on, which was SO cool. We definitely rocked it out once they started performing "Strong Tower" and "Hearts of the Innocent." They closed their performance with "What Faith Can Do", which was also popular on the radio, and a very powerful song.

Of course, the best was saved for last. Two words: THIRD DAY. They were incredible! My favorites to sing along to were "Sing a Song for Jesus" and "I've Always Loved You." The last song they sang (before two or three encores) was "Revelation", which was VERY moving for me. At some point during that song, my mom grabbed my hand - while it was in the air. We both held our hands up in praise to God until the song was over. When they walked off the stage, everyone started to shout, "ONE MORE SONG!" repeatedly until they entered the stage again. Nonetheless, they ended up playing about three more songs, then I think everyone decided it was getting late and it was time to go home. My legs were practically numb by the time it was over due to jumping and dancing - so much so that it took me about five minutes to walk downstairs the next morning.

It was nothing short of a spiritual moment. Not just the performances, but the people. While each band was setting up their equipment/instruments, everyone around us was talking and sharing their testimonies to people they had never met before. It was the neatest thing seeing everybody getting along and sharing stories like they had known each other their whole lives. That is the love of Christ right there.

You can see more pictures from the even here.

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