All we need is Love

"And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him." -1 John 4:16

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Day 25: Discuss Something You Planned that Ended Up Not Being What You Expected

Most things that I plan don't turn out as I expect them to. Sometimes it's a good thing, other times it's a bad thing. But nine out of ten times, I try not to expect and to just go with the flow. The one thing I can come up with is when we moved back in 2003. Something personal happened in our family that forced us to move practically within a couple of weeks. Nobody told me where we were moving to, but I assumed it was going to be better than where we were living. When we pulled up to the apartment complex we were going to be moving into, I was very skeptical. It didn't look nice nor classy, but rather very old and not very taken care of. But I thought to myself, the outside of it might not look the best, but maybe the inside of it looks awesome.

When it came time to move, I was kind of excited. It wasn't too far away from where we were living before, and the people/neighbors seemed nice enough. Once we walked through the door of our new apartment room, I was devastated. Not only was it 3 times smaller than our last apartment, but it only had two bedrooms. I remember instantly feeling very disappointed and almost angry. I thought my family deserved better than that, but I also knew that if this was all we could afford, I had to deal with it. I also thought it was only going to be a temporary thing until we could find someplace better, but we ended up staying there for four years. I think I would have been happier if I would have just let go of my anger and moved on. I know it sounds weird, but even still to this day, I feel the need to... "forgive" the apartment building, per say. Every time we drive by it, I get this sudden feeling of bitterness and sadness. I have forgiven my parents before the Lord just in case I might have been angry with them, but I don't think I was. I was just angry with the situation.

This was definitely a situation where what I had planned didn't end up being what I expected. But, after four years of living there, something else happened that I didn't expect - we moved! Into a house! With four bedrooms! (I never like to sign off of my posts with negative thoughts, hehe.)

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