All we need is Love

"And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him." -1 John 4:16

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Head Held High

One thing I've learned recently - prayer is a powerful thing. God really does answer your prayers, but not necessarily the way you want them to be answered. My prayers have been answered the opposite of what I wanted but strangely, I'm okay with it. Sometimes when you ask for something and you don't get it, you get something even BETTER. God's blessings are beyond description.

Has anyone ever told you, “Patience is a virtue?” Well, another thing I’ve learned, is that patience is a difficult process, but, for me, it's been worthwhile. is whole situation between Karl and I has been leaving me with lots of questions that still remain unanswered, but it's also been bringing me closer to Jesus. It's making me realize that I have someone to stay by my side at all times. He's been listening to my cries, questions, and my little temper-tantrums. This is a time when my heart needs to be open, my mind needs to be alert, and I need to be ready and prepared for whatever God has for me. I know that His answers may not be very pleasing, but I'm going to have to accept it. If I remain obedient to Him, He will bless me. And lately, I've been really opening my eyes to everything He has blessed me with, and that's really helped me with my healing process, because I realize that He has given me a wonderful family, amazing friends, and an awesome home. This is a time to have a positive attitude, because if I was negative all the time, that wouldn't help this situation at all.

I watch Joel Osteen often, and this past Sunday, I watched his program and he was talking about living your life to the fullest, even through tough times. Think about it - are you gonna get anywhere when you're in a negative rut all the time? No. He was talking about how you should have a purpose for EVERYDAY OF YOUR LIFE, not just sitting there waiting for God's main purpose for you. Life is too short to waste your time on griping about things. I try to wake up everyday saying, "Today is gonna be a good day".. and sometimes, we don't have control over the events that happen in that day, BUT, we do have control over our reactions. So what Joel has taught me, is that I'm gonna get a lot further in life with my head held high.

Through any painful situation (like what I've been going through), don't go around feeling sorry for yourself. If you keep your chin up and realize that there's a light at the end of the tunnel, that is what will get you through your tough spots. Sometimes, we need to thank God BEFORE He blesses us. Something that everyone could apply to their lives, is that you should always thank God for not only the doors He has already opened, but also for the doors He is going to open. If you walk on God's path, it will lead to something wonderful.

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