All we need is Love

"And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him." -1 John 4:16

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


I want to know anybody's thoughts on this..

Self-harm - as in, well, cutting yourself. First question: Would you consider it "cutting" if you just scrape yourself with a pin or thumb tac or something? What if you don't draw any blood? What if you don't use a knife?

I also want to know why people do it, and I'm not saying I'm against them because I'm a very understanding person, and nowadays, I can see why people do it. Most people who cut themselves have been through some kind of abuse - whether it be physical, emotional, sexual, or even spiritual. My mom went through all the abuse that I just mentioned, and she slit her wrists. I asked her why she did it and this is what she said.. does this relate to anyone?:

She said when you're going through emotional pain, cutting yourself and feeling pain is like reassuring yourself that you can still 'feel'. Some people use the word "Numb" to describe how they feel, so they take that numbness away by causing themselves pain that they can feel. I've often asked myself through many situations, "Is this real? Am I really feeling this pain?" Although I've never thought about cutting myself, because I was young and I didn't really understand the concept of it. I used to think, "Why on EARTH would anyone do that to themselves??" But I know that feeling of 'I'm not good enough' and 'why does it matter, nobody cares so why should I care' and because of those feelings, you just feel like it doesn't matter if you hurt yourself.

I hate admitting it, but I have stroked myself with a pin, and it led to almost making myself bleed. My reason was different than reassurance - I did it because I thought physical pain would feel better than emotional pain. It was like my get-away from the emotional pain, I didn't want to feel it so I put myself through physical pain instead. It hurt, it stung, and it was kind of scary, yet, it felt good in a way, because it felt better than all the other hurt I was going through. I did feel guilty afterwards because I knew God couldn't have been very happy with me.

1 Corinthians 16-20: Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.

So, in other words, God wants us to be Holy and take care of our bodies because we were made as an image of Christ. Would Jesus cut himself? No. Would Jesus cause any self-harm? No. Would Jesus feel that no one cares about Him? No. Do you think Jesus ever thinks, "I'm not good enough" or "What's the point"? No. Jesus was mocked, and even though He was perfect, He still had to go through the Devil's temptations, but He didn't do anything self-harming. Jesus wants us to be like Him. That doesn't mean it's not going to be hard for some people to stop cutting themselves, because once you're in the habit, it's hard to break it. But God can get you through anything.

I want to know anyone's thoughts or opinions.. is it smart? Does it really help the pain?

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