All we need is Love

"And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him." -1 John 4:16

Friday, March 27, 2009


Part of recovering is, well, going through pain. The reason I'm handling this break-up particularly well, is because I've experienced hurt and rejection before, so I have a better understanding of how to process this whole thing.

Today, March 27th, is the day Karl and I met last year. So you would think that I would have been miserable all day, and it was a little tough when the day started off, but instead of going crazy and having an emotional breakdown, I just calmed myself down and kept the thought in mind that God has everything under control. It also helped that we went to my mom's friend's house and spent most of the day there ;-)

I'm still recovering, still trying to figure things out, and I still have a lot of questions for God, but I know He will provide and answer my questions eventually. If He brought me to it, then He'll bring me through it. As much as I want the desolation to pass, I know that this will strengthen me for what is to come. My great-grandma always said, "This too shall pass".. That's been a little 'note-to-self'' for me.

Always remember that God never gives up on you, never ignores you, and He always hears your cries. He's the Creator of the universe, so if He can handle the universe, I'm sure He can handle our burdens.

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