All we need is Love

"And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him." -1 John 4:16

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Little More About Me

First name? Katrina
Middle name? Marie
Like your name? Yes.
Named after anyone? A storybook character my mom made up in highschool..
Any nicknames? Kat, Kit Kat, Trina, Hurricane Katrina...
Age? 15
Birthdate? 11/21/93
Birthplace? Waconia, MN
Time you were born? 8:03pm
Height? 5'4"
Like your height? Sure.
Eye color? Blue.
Contacts/glasses? I SHOULD start wearing my glasses more often, I'm pretty near-sighted.
Hair color? Brown.
Righy or lefty? Righty.
Your favorite...
Type of music? Anything.
Band or singer? Too many.
TV show? That 70s Show, CSI, House..
Movie? Fireproof, Passion of the Christ, Titanic.
Thing to do? Draw, sing, dance, write, listen to music, blog ;-)
Food? Don't really have a favorite.
Non alcoholic drink? Mountain dew. lol.
Alcoholic drink? Don't drink alcohol.
Animal? Cats.
Holiday? Christmas.
Season? Summer.
Sport? Basketball, Football, Baseball..
Place to shop? American Eagle ^-^
Scent? Vanilla, Lilacs, any sweets..
Fruit? Strawberries.
Pizza topping? Sausage & Pepperoni.
Ice cream flavor? Chocolate chip cookie dough.
Color? Pink.
Number? 7.
This or that...
Chocolate or vanilla? Chocolate for sure.
Pepsi or coke? Coke.
Hot or cold? In regards to... ?
Dog or cat? Cat.
French Fries or onion rings? Fries.
Pepperoni or sausage? Urg.. I don't know lol.
50 Cent or Eminem? 50 Cent.
Hugs or kisses? Both :-D
Movies or TV? Depends on my mood.
Do you...
Smoke? No.
Drink? No.
Talk to yourself? All the time.
Believe in yourself? Yeah.
Play an instrument? Flute..
Go to school? I'm homeschooled.
Want to get married? Yes someday.
Want to have kids? Yes.
Get along with your parents? Yeah.
Get along with your siblings? Eh.. We have our moments when we actually get along..
Do you think you're trustworthy? Yes.
Ever toilet papered someones house? Noo.
What are your parents names? Doug & Amy.
Siblings names? Alexandra, Robert, Julie (half-sis), Julio (bro-in-law).
What color pants are you wearing right now? White.
Been arrested? Nope.
Been out of the country? Nope.
Can you stick your fist in your mouth? No, and I don't want to try.
Do you do drugs? Um no.
Would you ever get plastic surgery? Noooo.
Do you like to laugh? Yes.
What time do you go to bed? Whenever.
Do you like to give or recieve? Both.
Do you live alone? No.
Ever been up a mountain? Just to ski.

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