All we need is Love

"And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him." -1 John 4:16

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Day 7: Happy Anniversary, Baby (Vacation Hiatus)

Aprill 11th, Karl and I celebrated 3 years of being together. It's been a long, hard journey - but we have the rest of our lives to look forward to with each other. Last year, we got to spend our anniversary together face to face, but we were so excited to be near each other that we didn't really acknowledge the fact that it was our anniversary. So this year, it was a bitter-sweet celebration, because although it marks 3 years of being together, it also marks one year since I've seen him.

Anywho, a week prior to our anniversary, Karl made it sound like he wouldn't be able to get me a gift this year for our special day. Part of me was crushed, another part of me thought, "well, it's not that big of a deal." Then he said instead, he would sing to me all of the songs he's ever dedicated to me. I was totally okay with that and thought it was the sweetest thing. The day of our anniversary arrived.. he called me early in the morning and was being really sweet and lovey-dovey until he had to get started with his day. I was sad all day because I missed him so much and wondered when I would ever get to see him again. It was 2:00pm, my mom had to go to work, my dad was already at work, and my brother and sister were at a friend's house. I felt lonely so I turned on the radio and tried to enjoy the time I had to myself. All of the sudden, I hear a knock on the front door. Now, I had been taught since I was a little girl not to answer the door for strangers, so I almost ignored it. Then I thought maybe my brother or sister was locked out and wanted to come inside. I open the door and this gentlemen from the local floral shop was holding a beautifully wrapped package of some sort. I thought to myself, "Maybe he has the wrong address"... until he asked me if my name was Katrina. I confirmed that I was she and then he said he had a special delivery for me. The only words out of my mouth thereafter were "Oh my goodness"... I went inside and examined the package. There was a note on the front of it that read: "Katrina - the best three years of my life!" I started crying tears of joy - and the tears increased as I opened the package. Inside was the cutest stuffed animal - a soft and absolutely adorable little lamb. I dug further and found a large box of Abdallah's chocolates. I couldn't believe it! He actually did get me something! I called him and told him he was such a little stinker for making me think he wasn't getting me anything, and then told him how thankful I was for the wonderful gift. You see, every other time he has gotten me a gift, whether it was for my birthday, Christmas, whatever - he always ends up telling me what it is, and I tell him everytime that I like being surprised. Well, I was definitely surprised this time!! So all we had to say at the end of the day was, "I love you," and, "Happy Anniversary, baby." Isn't he cuuuuute??!

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