All we need is Love

"And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him." -1 John 4:16

Friday, September 30, 2011

Day 21: Write About Your Best Friend (Not Your Significant Other) and What Makes Them Special

Why'd you have to limit me like that? ;)

I guess then I will tell you about my best friend from middle school. We became friends towards the end of 6th grade. I felt so comfortable around her, like I didn't have to pretend to be cool, she just accepted me for who I was. I remember we always had a blast together in Study Hall - our teacher Mr. Harmon was probably the best teacher in 6th grade, so we always had a fun time in his Study Hall class. He would let us bring our mp3 players, snacks, books, etc., so of course Tori and I took advantage of that. I remember one time Tori was showing me her new earrings (they were clip-ons), and we told Mr. Harmon he should try them on. So he did!Why he put them on one ear - I don't know. But it was hilarious!

Tori and I shared our best memories in middle school - whether it was at school or at her house. We weren't exactly the most mature pair, but we had fun nonetheless. We rarely ever had disagreements or fights, but thankfully we did believe in the same thing when it came to God. We talked about Him a lot and even sometimes prayed together over Instant Message. We watched Passion of the Christ together, and we had our good friend Katherine join us. I remember the actor who played Satan in the movie scared us so much, that we turned on all the lights in the house and didn't go anywhere by ourselves. I also remember the first time I told Tori about Christ's second coming. She was scared and I think she even cried, until I explained to her that as long as we believe in Him as our Lord and Savior, we were going to go up to Heaven with Him.

We did the craziest things together. We played ping-pong while we were lying down, named inanimate objects (including a dead cricket in her basement - his name was Jimmy), took pictures until 2:00 in the morning, and even made our own music videos. There was also a time when we watched Titanic together... at our own houses. We made it so that the movie played at exactly the same time so we could literally watch it together. We would laugh and talk about certain parts of the movie, when all of the sudden towards the middle of the movie, I tried to tell her something and she wouldn't respond. Yeah, she fell asleep. At first I was irritated because no matter how loud I yelled, she wouldn't wake up. Then I thought it was kind of funny.

But what made our friendship special was that we were always there for each other. We always tried our hardest to understand each other and whatever it was we were going through. She was and still is very special to me. What made her special was how caring she was. I remember one time in particular when my parents had gotten into a huge argument, and it was a school night. My mom was working night shifts at the time, and I didn't want to be home with my dad because he was still so angry. I called Tori as she was about to go to bed, and she told me I could come and sleep over at her house. When I got to her house, she just held me for a little while, along with her uncle (I knew him pretty well because her and her mom lived with him.) The next morning, I was able to ride the bus with her to school. It meant the world to me, and it still makes me smile when I think about it.

Our memories and fun (and funny) times are too many to write down, but they are unforgettable. Though we've drifted over the years due to me being home-schooled and various changes in each others lives, we are still able to pick up where we left off and bond the way we did in middle school. That's what I love about our friendship. She still means the world to me and nobody could be a better friend to me than her. In fact, I plan on having her be a part of my wedding, because she is still a very significant and special person in my life.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Day 20: Discuss Your Favorite Movie and Why it's so Special to You

My favorite movie would have to be Titanic. It's "special" to me because it's educational and intriguing to me at the same. I've learned more about the story of Titanic through watching the movie than I have doing research. I'm not typically a big fan of history, but the movie made it interesting for me.

I also enjoy the romance that takes place between Jack and Rose. It makes the story more realistic - like there was so much more going on than just the tragedy of Titanic hitting an ice berg and then sinking. Jack reminds me a lot of Karl - he's not an artist nor is he poor, but he's caring and gentle like Jack. He also cares for me and wants the best for me as Jack cares for Rose and wants the best for her. The two of them just want to be together no matter what, even while the ship was sinking. The part that reminds me of Karl and I the most is when Jack is falsely accused of stealing Rose's diamond, and is sent to the bottom of the ship in hand-cuffs. Rose sought to rescue him, even though it meant going all the way down to E-Deck, which was already flooded with ice-cold water. She found Jack cuffed to some sort of pipe, and once she realized the key to the cuffs was nowhere to be found, she ran frantically to find help. When nobody would even listen to her, she found and grabbed a hatchet, then sprinted back to the room that Jack was in. She cut through the cuffs with the hatchet, and her and Jack made their way back to the top level of the ship. I know in my heart that I would do whatever it would take to rescue Karl, even if it meant risking my own life.

The mystery aspect of the movie is great, too. When I first watched the movie, it was fun putting the pieces together as to where the "heart of the ocean" was, and how it actually ended up in the ocean. And of course, the mystery as to why Rose's record wasn't valid. All in all, it is a great movie. It has a little bit of everything - action, drama, romance, comedy, and most importantly, historical truth.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Day 19: Something That Shook Your Belief System to its Core (A Big Disappointment in Your Life)

If you're asking me if a big disappointment in my life led to a shaking in my belief system, then I can't come up with anything. I've learned to not believe that I can trust everyone, and that ultimately the only person I can trust fully is God. I guess to some degree I believed I could trust those I was close to, but eventually those beliefs changed as they let me down at some point. They never failed me, but they let me down or disappointed me, therefore I learned I cannot put my entire trust in anyone otherwise it'll raise my expectations for that person, which will lead to them hurting me or disappointing me in some way.

I believe I always stood on the promises of God ever since I was a little girl. A lot of things happened in my life that would fall under the category of "big disappointments" but somehow, I always knew He was there and that He was going to make everything okay. My parents struggled a lot in their marriage but I never anticipated nor feared it was going to end in divorce. Nothing pulled me away from knowing God was going to bring us through anything life threw at us.

I don't believe either that something shook my belief system in a disappointing way. When I started reading the Bible, I was open to the truth and wanted to know the truth. I was never disappointed in what I read or learned. If anything, the only thing I would have been disappointed about was the fact that I couldn't comprehend everything I was reading - that I was still so young in my faith and understanding that certain things in the Bible didn't make sense to me. But that changed over time. My belief system has always been this: Everything happens for a reason, God loves His children, God will bring His children through anything, and He will always provide for His children. And He has never disappointed me.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Day 18: Someone You Met Randomly That Made an Impact on Your Life

The only person I can come up with is someone I met a couple weeks ago at a friends' baptism. Her name escapes me, but my mom knows her from Target (my mom works at Target.) My mom was unaware that she attended our church, but since she does attend our church, she was also at the baptism as her son was being baptized. After the ceremony, my mom decided to greet her and congratulate her and her son. My mom was worried that she wasn't going to recognize her because they'd only seen each other a couple of times, but the second she saw my mom, she recognized her right away and even gave her a hug. She was obviously pretty emotional having witnessed her youngest son getting baptized, and she just had the biggest smile on her face. She was happy as happy gets and kept explaining to us how thankful she was and how much she loved the Lord, it was the coolest thing. She even shared with us how the devil had been attacking her and her family for the past two years, but then she followed that up with knowing that Jesus had already won the battle and that everything was going to be okay. It was incredible seeing the Lord radiating from the inside out of this woman. How humble and gentle she was yet truthful and bold.

Eventually she looked over at me and asked my mom if I was her daughter. I introduced myself and she just looked at me with the most loving look. Then she asked if she could hug me. "Of course," I replied. She then started describing how we are all a family in Christ and how excited she was to meet up with her "family" in heaven. As she was talking, she would occasionally look to the sky and raise her hand in thanks to God. Her joy was contagious, as was her smile. This impacted my life because it made me realize how much I have to be thankful for, and that we need to always "give thanks in ALL circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." (1 Thessalonians 5:18). It also made me realize that I really do have a family outside of my blood family - I have a family in Christ that I look forward to meeting one day. It uplifts me beyond words knowing I have brothers and sisters and we all share the same Father. I wish all Christians could take hold of this truth.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Day 17: Someone With Whom You Shared a Friendship/Relationship That Simply Drifted out of Your Life

The only person/people I can come up with are these twin boys who lived down the hall from me (we were living in an apartment complex at the time.) Their names were Robert and David. We went to school together and hung out practically every day. From 1st grade to about 3rd grade they were considered my "best friends," even though I had a bunch of other friends that I hung out with on a weekly basis.

When we moved out of the apartment complex, we were still relatively close and our parents made sure to set up "play-dates." But since I was going to a different school, I made new friends and saw them more often than the twins. They still came over for birthday parties and such, but as the years went on, we drifted further and further apart. My family moved a lot, and it seemed that each time we moved, it was even more far away from them than we were before. My elementary years were my "tomboy years," so the older I grew, the more I started hanging out with girls, because any time I tried to innocently hang out with boys, I was made fun of and given the old, "Katrina and so and so sitting in a tree." By the time I was in middle-school, the twins' dad had re-married, so they had a whole different life, and I wasn't apart of it. I haven't seen them since probably 4th or 5th grade. It was a great friendship while it lasted, but we've grown and matured and have become different people, so I'm perfectly okay with not having them in my life anymore. Some friends aren't meant to stay in our lives forever.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Day 16: A Book You’ve Read That Changed Your Views on Something

I would have to say "The Shack" by William P. Young. It's an incredible book and it changed my views on multiple things. The most important thing it taught me is that forgiveness is a HUGE priority for a Christ follower - no matter what the circumstance. In this book, Mack's (the main character) little daughter is kidnapped and then murdered in a shack, which he finds a few years after her death took place. But when he found "the shack," God encountered him and told him the only way he was going to heal from his daughter's death was if he forgave her killer. Obviously, he didn't take to it very well at first, but he did eventually come to forgive the murderer. This book made me realize how very important it is to forgive others no matter what they've done or the extent of hurt they've caused you. Even though it's difficult to forgive sometimes, it does free you, and I believe it's the only way to free you from whatever happened to you. God explained to Mack that his little girl was in a much better place and doesn't even remember what had happened to her, and He even gave Mack a glimpse of how happy his daughter was to be in Heaven.

This book also gave me a different perspective on something a little less important. In the book, Mack's wife refers to God as "Papa," which Mack has a hard time grasping. I thought it was strange at first too, but then I thought about how important it is that we realize God really IS our Father, and whatever it takes for us to realize that - by all means do so. I don't refer to Him as Papa or Daddy but now when I pray, I take the time to call Him my Father, and worship Him as not only my Savior, but as my Father. The cool thing is, by the end of the book, Mack was also referring to God as Papa ;) Goodness, just writing about this gives me the chills! Maybe I need to read it again, ha! I do recommend this book to everyone, even non-Christians. It could actually give anyone a whole new perspective of who God really is, and how much He really loves us.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Day 15: A Band/Musical Artist Whose Music Impacted Your Life

Of course, the very first person that comes to mind is Amy Grant. When Karl and I broke up back in 2008, I was devastated. I felt so alone, like nobody could possibly understand what I was going through. I heard her song "Missing You" from her album Behind the Eyes and I sang it to myself almost every day--

Your smile lights up a room like a candle in the dark
It warms me through and through
I guess that I had dreamed we would never be apart
But that dream did not come true
Missing you is just a part of livin'
Missing you feels like a way of life
I'm living out the life that I've been given
But baby, I still wish you were mine
I cannot hear the telephone jangle on the wall
And not feel a hopeful thrill
I cannot help but smile at any news of you at all
And I guess I always will
Missing you is just a part of livin'
Missing you feels like a way of life
I'm living out the life that I've been given
But baby, I still wish you were mine.

I almost called Karl up to sing this song to him, but I was always too afraid. This song helped me to grieve, but it wasn't this song that actually helped me heal or made me feel better. I stumbled upon her song "The Prodigal" from her album Unguarded - immediately, I started to weep. By this time, Karl's mom and I were e-mailing each other back and forth, she was a big help in my time of need. The song made me think of how her and Karl's dad must have felt while their son was living with someone who was a horrible influence on him and following the ways of the world. I sent his mom the lyrics to "The Prodigal" to which she replied in tears, saying that was exactly how she felt--

I face the day again against the window pane
I remain your closest friend - I wish you back again
You wonder how I feel
You think you've pushed too far
If only you could see this pen scribbling down my heart.
I'll be waiting,
I may be young or old and gray
Counting the days
But I'll be waiting,
And when I finally see you come, I'll run when I see you
I will meet you
(End Chorus)
But still the days drag on
Why did you decide to go?
Did you only need to see
What only time can show?
And even if you never do return
Still I will have learned how to love you better
(Chorus 2x)

Wow, just writing the lyrics down gives me goosebumps and brings tears to my eyes all over again. I listened to this song over and over for days, until he finally did return home, and back to me. This song gave me hope, and even though I'm not his parent, his waywardness gave me a deeper love for him. When I would hear Amy Grant sing these songs, it felt like she was singing them directly to me/for me, and that helped more than the song itself I think. These songs ministered to me and helped me, but the ultimate reason why I got through our separation was because of God - He sent certain songs AND Karl's mom to comfort me in my turmoil. He is so good :)

Monday, September 19, 2011

Day 14: Someone Who Has Made Your Life Worth Living

This one is easy. First of all, Jesus Christ makes my life worth living everyday. He died for me, why not live for Him? The fact that His mercy is made new every single day is enough to get me out of bed in the morning. He offers unconditional love, inexplicable grace, and everlasting life - of course He is the number one reason why I live!

Furthermore, He has given me the most amazing man in the world, whom I didn't and still don't deserve. He literally is the man of my dreams and words can't describe how excited I am to marry him. Every day he is worth living for, and worth waiting for. It all goes back to God because Karl is a gift from Him - winning his heart was not my doing. Just hearing his sweet little voice at the end of a hard day makes that day worth pursuing. I thank God every day for bringing him into my life, because I never in a million years thought that I would get someone as special as him. Someone who loves me for a who I am, genuinely cares for me, and most importantly relies on HIS love to love me the way he's supposed to. Like I said, it all goes back to the Lord, because without Him I wouldn't have Karl, therefore God makes my life worth living for more than anyone else ever could.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Day 13: Discuss Some of the Things on Your Bucket List

Wow... my bucket list? To be honest, I haven't really thought about that one. Although ever
since getting a boat this last year, I've wanted to try water-skiing. Let's see what else I can come up with:

Learn to play the piano and/or guitar - it's one thing to have the gift of singing, but I feel it would improve my song-writing skills if I could PLAY a melody instead of hum it. Besides, I love the way both of these instruments sound, they're so much more... "natural."
Go horseback riding - I'm not much of an adrenaline junkie, so this is as portentous as it gets. I've ridden ponies and carousel horses, but I want to know what it's like to ride on a real, live HORSE while it's RUNNING!
Record a song with a famous Christian artist - I know that seems a little "out there", but I can't even tell you how awesome that would be. Nerve-racking, yes, but awesome. Somebody like Amy Grant, Brandon Heath, Fernando Ortega, Mandisa...
Walk on water - okay, this one might seem a little more preposterous. Yes, I would like to try this. Hey, Peter did it! In my Bible it states, "With God all things are possible." (Matthew 19:26.) I'm also taking Karl with me ;)
Minister to a third-world country - of course, I want to minister to those in my own country. But I would like to experience what it's like for people with hardly any food or shelter, and show them a life that's worth living for in Jesus Christ. To lead worship for the little ones and see their zeal/longing for the Lord. Maybe even build some sort of church...
See the Titanic - duh, how could I forget about this one? Ever since seeing James Cameron's "Titanic," the subject of the "unsinkable ship" fascinates me. I would LOVE to literally climb into a submarine and dive 2 miles under the Atlantic ocean to see the ship inside and out. At the very least, I'd like to visit a museum based on the Titanic, see some of the items that were found inside of it, or speak with someone who is related to a Titanic survivor.

See the 9/11 Memorial - 9/11 took place when I was still a little girl, so at the time I didn't quite understand what had happened, all I knew was that it was very bad and whoever was responsible for it was very bad. But now that I'm older and have seen footage and pictures that were taken at the scene, I understand a whole lot more. I think it would be incredible to be able to step foot where those buildings once were.
Go to Israel - just thinking about this one gives me the chills. Seeing where Jesus walked, where He was crucified, where He was buried. I would love to walk down the Via Dolorosa and sail the Sea of Galilee. I'd be an emotional wreck but it would be one of the best experiences of my life to see Biblical history unfold before my very eyes.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Day 12: Something You Never Get Compliments On

Hmmm... The only thing I can come up with at the moment is my scrap-booking. I'm still a beginner and I've never really shown anyone my work, therefore I don't receive compliments on it.

I don't mean to be boastful in saying that I can't come up with anything that I don't get compliments on, it's just difficult because Karl compliments practically anything and everything about me. The things I don't get complimented on are the things that others may not know about - like some of my poetry. It wasn't until recently that I received a compliment regarding my photography, otherwise compliments are very seldom in that aspect. Which is okay, because to me photography is only a hobby. I won't judge whether or not it should be considered a 'talent.'

While writing this particular blog, I've realized how blessed I am to be able to say that there aren't many things that I don't get compliments on. I guess God has been working on me more diligently than I thought!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Day 11: Something about which people seem to compliment you.

I get a lot of compliments on my outward and inward appearance, but nobody is more surprised than me that this is true. Compliments humble me and make me realize how much God has done in my life. I cannot take credit for any of the compliments I receive, because God is my Creator and I wouldn't be who I am without Him.

When it comes to my outward appearance, the compliment I get most often is on my blue eyes and dark eyelashes. One time when I was in middle school, I had been late, so my mom had to sign me in. As she was signing the paper, I noticed the lady at the front desk kept staring at me. We finally made eye contact, and she said, "I'm sorry, you just have the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen." Needless to say, that made my day, despite being late. I also had a teacher tell me that I had the most beautiful smile she'd ever seen. That was a compliment I wasn't used to! Otherwise, people usually say something like, "You're so pretty" or, "You're so cute." Other times they'll go up to one of my parents and say, "Your daughter is so beautiful." Then of course Karl (my fiancee) who compliments me multiple times a day, will tell me how beautiful I am, how sweet I am, how amazing I am, and how blessed he is to have me. There are many more things he compliments me on but I wouldn't be able to even list them all. His compliments are the best :-}

I also get a lot of compliments in regards to my talents - my drawings, my songs, my writings, and my voice. Again, those are all God's doing, not mine. But I enjoy the compliments because the minute I hear them, I get to look up to the sky, and just smile.

Some other usual compliments consist of: My intelligence, wisdom, kindness, humility, a heart for the Lord, and my sensitive Spirit. One of my favorite compliments is, "You're beautiful on the inside and out." That tells me that God's light in me is so apparent that it even shows on the outside. If you ask me, that's pretty awesome. :)

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Day 10: Something at which you've been a champion or the best.

I've always been good at drawing. As early as kindergarten, I was known as "the artist." In fact, while I was still in kindergarten, I won an "award" for one of my drawings. What did I draw? Of course, being the kind of kid I was, I drew the first thing that came to mind, which was an event that had taken place a few days prior to drawing this picture. I drew my neighbor's dog chasing my cat up a tree. Nobody was more surprised than me that I got recognized for that drawing. But I get a chuckle out of it even to this day.

The odd thing is, I knew I was good at drawing, but I never wanted to make it a career. Everyone always told me I should "be an artist one day" but I didn't want to. I wanted to sing, I wanted to be recognized for my musical abilities instead. So I joined choir classes in
middle school and even tried out for some solo parts. I had been writing songs since 6th grade. I still used art as a way to express myself, but I didn't show it off. In 8th grade, my friend and I signed up for an after school program called Music Technology. We had the opportunity to actually record music, which is something I had always wanted to do. I recorded a song that I had written for my current fiancee, and it was the coolest experience. I showed the teacher (who was also my band teacher) and he said it was one of the best songs that had been recorded in the class.

I still write songs and plan to use them in ministry as soon as next year. I've learned to let God give me the inspiration because He's the one that gave me the talent. I do however still draw often and I actually entered one of my drawings into the Carver County Fair this year and won first place in Pencil Sketching. That felt pretty amazing, but God ultimately gets the ribbon because I wouldn't be able to do it without Him.