All we need is Love

"And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him." -1 John 4:16

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Day 19: Something That Shook Your Belief System to its Core (A Big Disappointment in Your Life)

If you're asking me if a big disappointment in my life led to a shaking in my belief system, then I can't come up with anything. I've learned to not believe that I can trust everyone, and that ultimately the only person I can trust fully is God. I guess to some degree I believed I could trust those I was close to, but eventually those beliefs changed as they let me down at some point. They never failed me, but they let me down or disappointed me, therefore I learned I cannot put my entire trust in anyone otherwise it'll raise my expectations for that person, which will lead to them hurting me or disappointing me in some way.

I believe I always stood on the promises of God ever since I was a little girl. A lot of things happened in my life that would fall under the category of "big disappointments" but somehow, I always knew He was there and that He was going to make everything okay. My parents struggled a lot in their marriage but I never anticipated nor feared it was going to end in divorce. Nothing pulled me away from knowing God was going to bring us through anything life threw at us.

I don't believe either that something shook my belief system in a disappointing way. When I started reading the Bible, I was open to the truth and wanted to know the truth. I was never disappointed in what I read or learned. If anything, the only thing I would have been disappointed about was the fact that I couldn't comprehend everything I was reading - that I was still so young in my faith and understanding that certain things in the Bible didn't make sense to me. But that changed over time. My belief system has always been this: Everything happens for a reason, God loves His children, God will bring His children through anything, and He will always provide for His children. And He has never disappointed me.

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