All we need is Love

"And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him." -1 John 4:16

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Day 17: Someone With Whom You Shared a Friendship/Relationship That Simply Drifted out of Your Life

The only person/people I can come up with are these twin boys who lived down the hall from me (we were living in an apartment complex at the time.) Their names were Robert and David. We went to school together and hung out practically every day. From 1st grade to about 3rd grade they were considered my "best friends," even though I had a bunch of other friends that I hung out with on a weekly basis.

When we moved out of the apartment complex, we were still relatively close and our parents made sure to set up "play-dates." But since I was going to a different school, I made new friends and saw them more often than the twins. They still came over for birthday parties and such, but as the years went on, we drifted further and further apart. My family moved a lot, and it seemed that each time we moved, it was even more far away from them than we were before. My elementary years were my "tomboy years," so the older I grew, the more I started hanging out with girls, because any time I tried to innocently hang out with boys, I was made fun of and given the old, "Katrina and so and so sitting in a tree." By the time I was in middle-school, the twins' dad had re-married, so they had a whole different life, and I wasn't apart of it. I haven't seen them since probably 4th or 5th grade. It was a great friendship while it lasted, but we've grown and matured and have become different people, so I'm perfectly okay with not having them in my life anymore. Some friends aren't meant to stay in our lives forever.

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