All we need is Love

"And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him." -1 John 4:16

Friday, September 30, 2011

Day 21: Write About Your Best Friend (Not Your Significant Other) and What Makes Them Special

Why'd you have to limit me like that? ;)

I guess then I will tell you about my best friend from middle school. We became friends towards the end of 6th grade. I felt so comfortable around her, like I didn't have to pretend to be cool, she just accepted me for who I was. I remember we always had a blast together in Study Hall - our teacher Mr. Harmon was probably the best teacher in 6th grade, so we always had a fun time in his Study Hall class. He would let us bring our mp3 players, snacks, books, etc., so of course Tori and I took advantage of that. I remember one time Tori was showing me her new earrings (they were clip-ons), and we told Mr. Harmon he should try them on. So he did!Why he put them on one ear - I don't know. But it was hilarious!

Tori and I shared our best memories in middle school - whether it was at school or at her house. We weren't exactly the most mature pair, but we had fun nonetheless. We rarely ever had disagreements or fights, but thankfully we did believe in the same thing when it came to God. We talked about Him a lot and even sometimes prayed together over Instant Message. We watched Passion of the Christ together, and we had our good friend Katherine join us. I remember the actor who played Satan in the movie scared us so much, that we turned on all the lights in the house and didn't go anywhere by ourselves. I also remember the first time I told Tori about Christ's second coming. She was scared and I think she even cried, until I explained to her that as long as we believe in Him as our Lord and Savior, we were going to go up to Heaven with Him.

We did the craziest things together. We played ping-pong while we were lying down, named inanimate objects (including a dead cricket in her basement - his name was Jimmy), took pictures until 2:00 in the morning, and even made our own music videos. There was also a time when we watched Titanic together... at our own houses. We made it so that the movie played at exactly the same time so we could literally watch it together. We would laugh and talk about certain parts of the movie, when all of the sudden towards the middle of the movie, I tried to tell her something and she wouldn't respond. Yeah, she fell asleep. At first I was irritated because no matter how loud I yelled, she wouldn't wake up. Then I thought it was kind of funny.

But what made our friendship special was that we were always there for each other. We always tried our hardest to understand each other and whatever it was we were going through. She was and still is very special to me. What made her special was how caring she was. I remember one time in particular when my parents had gotten into a huge argument, and it was a school night. My mom was working night shifts at the time, and I didn't want to be home with my dad because he was still so angry. I called Tori as she was about to go to bed, and she told me I could come and sleep over at her house. When I got to her house, she just held me for a little while, along with her uncle (I knew him pretty well because her and her mom lived with him.) The next morning, I was able to ride the bus with her to school. It meant the world to me, and it still makes me smile when I think about it.

Our memories and fun (and funny) times are too many to write down, but they are unforgettable. Though we've drifted over the years due to me being home-schooled and various changes in each others lives, we are still able to pick up where we left off and bond the way we did in middle school. That's what I love about our friendship. She still means the world to me and nobody could be a better friend to me than her. In fact, I plan on having her be a part of my wedding, because she is still a very significant and special person in my life.

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